Tugas I

My Daily Activities

My day usually start at 6.00 in the early morning. I wake up than immediately pray to make a great beginning of the day. After that, I take a bath and prepare all the things that I need for study in the campus. I go to campus by motorcycle. In campus, I spend almost my time with my classmates. We do our assignment, discuss interesting topic, or just do something funny.  I usually go back home in the afternoon, at about 3.30 pm.  After going back from campus, my activities transform 180 degree, from being taught to teaching. I give additional lesson to some senior high school and junior high school students in one of course institution in Makassar. After spend my day with busy schedule, finally I can go to bed and have a nice sleep. That's the cycle of my day from wake up in the early morning to wake up again in the next morning. 

Written by Muh. Syahrir Suleman (321 16 072)


  1. Syahrir, my correction: then immediately, we complete our task, After spending, a tight sleep. Overall it is a good paragraph. Thank you.


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miftahul khair busran (tugas 1)