
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2018

Tugas 1

MY DAILY ACTIVITIES ANDI PARAWANSAH T -           I wake up at five o’clock -           I prayer subuh -           I have breakfast -           I prayer dhuha before go to campus -           I go to campus at seven o’clock -           I prayer dzuhur -           I have lunch -           In afternoon, I become private teacher until twenty o’clock -           I go home -           I do my assignment -           I go to bed


My Daily Activities Let me introduce a bit about my self. My name is Muh. Fauzan Suardi, you guys can call me Ocang. I live on Jl. Dg. Tata lorong SLB No. 1. I usually wake up at 05.30 am, and get ready to pray. Next, I take a bath, and then preparing the things before I go to campus. I seldom eat breakfast, because I must go to the campus before the time showing at 07.00 am or I will be late to be in class. Yes, our class started in early morning from Monday until Friday. My home is about 15 kilometers to campus, so that's why I must start at 07.00 am. Sometimes the class is over at noon or afternoon. When the class is over, I back to my home. There are a lot of duties that I can do. Washing the uniforms, the dishes and many more. When it's afternoon, I take a nap for about 1-1,5 hours. In the evening, after a dine, I usually check my social media and browsing internet for a while. That's it.


MY DAILY ACTIVITIES - Wake up earlier - Prayer and read the Al-Qur’an - Exercise - Have a shower and prepare my self go to campus - Breakfast - Go to campus by motorcycle - Prayer - Lunch - Prayer - Back to my home - Shower - Take time to organizer or study - Prayer - Dinner and read Al-Qur’an - Prayer - hary out with friends and cleen up my room - sleep FIEQRHA PUTRA PERDANA

Tugas 1

In the morning, I usually wake up at 5 am. Then I wash my face and drink a glass of water so I don’t feel sleepy. After that, I buy food and drink for my breakfast. I usually buy yellow rice with chicken inside. After having breakfast, I take a bath. Sometimes I go to campus by motorcycle, and sometimes by car. My class usually start at 7.30 am. I often wait for a next class in the library. I occasionally have my lunch at LESBAM worshop. I join some organizations in the campus. I spend my free time to do some activities related to my organization. We have daily meetings to discuss some event. At home I try to finish my tasks as soon as possible so I can sleep early. I usually go to sleep at 12 a.m. after brush my teeth and wash my face. Written by: Andi Ahmad Fauzan Anshar (321 16 056)


MY DAILY ACTIVITY Everyday I have many activity. I usually wake up early in the morning at 04.00. I prepare ironing my clothes for to campus. At 05.00 I do fajr prayer and then take a bath and don’t forget to clean my bedroom. Everyday I always take a breakfeast in the morning before go to campus. Then at 07.00 o’clock I must prepare my self for go to campus. Every Monday-Thursday at 07.00 o’clock in the morning I always go to campus at 07.00 in the morning and go home at 15.00 o’clock. When I arrive at home I take a bath and help my aunty cook in the kitchen for dinner. After doing isya prayer, I do homework if I have and start to study and play handphone sometimes until 22.00 o’clock. Finally I go to sleep and don’t forget to pray. NURINSANI YULIA LATIF

miftahul khair busran (tugas 1)

miftahul khair busran 321 16 068 everyday in the morning, I  occasionally wake up at 6 o’clock. After wake up, i always pray subuh before i start the day. I always pray for my successful in life. After pray, i occasionally go to sleep. after sleep, i go to the bathroom to take a shower. After done take a bath i put my clothes on, after done with my clothes then i go outside  do buy breakfast. then, i go to campus using motorcycle. After i parking my motorcycle, i go to my class room for studing. After studing, i go to lunch at lesbam. After eat our lunch, it’s time for pray dzuhur at the mesjid campus. then, i go to take a nap. then, i go to pray ashar. afternoon, i occasionally go to sport. then, i go to the bathroom to take a shower. then, i go to pray magrib and waiting to pray isa. if there is a task for the course tomorrow, then I do the task. then, i ussally sleep at 11 o'clock p.m.

andi irfan anas


alexander w. s


Tugas I

My Daily Activities My day usually start at 6.00 in the early morning. I wake up than immediately pray to make a great beginning of the day. After that, I take a bath and prepare all the things that I need for study in the campus. I go to campus by motorcycle. In campus, I spend almost my time with my classmates. We do our assignment, discuss interesting topic, or just do something funny.  I usually go back home in the afternoon, at about 3.30 pm.  After going back from campus, my activities transform 180 degree, from being taught to teaching. I give additional lesson to some senior high school and junior high school students in one of course institution in Makassar. After spend my day with busy schedule, finally I can go to bed and have a nice sleep. That's the cycle of my day from wake up in the early morning to wake up again in the next morning.  Written by Muh. Syahrir Suleman (321 16 072)

Tugas 1

My Daily Activities Every day I usually wake up at 5.30 am and get ready to  shubuh prayer,and then I clean my badroom take a bath.After that at 6.30 am I go to college by motorcycle.At 7.30 am I study in class.I study on college on Monday until Friday from 7.30 am until 3.00 pm.At rest,I usually have lunch with my friends.After lunch,I do Dzuhur prayer,and then I return to college.After the class  is over and after Azar prayer,I Go home and take a 5.00 pm I take a bath and Maghrib prayer.At 8.00 after isya prayer I  always go to play futsal.after that I go back home and finish all task as soon as 11 pm  I go to sleep after brush my teeth. Amal ma'ruf
Tugas 1 My Daily Activities I ussualy wake up at 5.00 in the morning and then I wash my face after that I clean the house like wash the dishes, sweep the floor, and clean my bedroom. After all finish, sometimes I make my breakfast if I want to have breakfast after that I take a bath and prepare to go to campus. I arrive campus at 7.30 every Monday until Friday. On Saturday and Sunday, I ussualy study religion on Saturday and go to church on Sunday. Other than that I just stay at home to watch tv, watch “drama korea”, or play games and the most important is wash my clothes. At night I ussualy help my sister to make dinner in the kitchen after finish we have dinner together after that I   do homework,after finish I ussualy play games again or listen music. before sleep I always wash my face and toothbrush.                                                                                                                                                                    
hello guys ,,, my name is haerul alwan and  I am from 2c d3 electrical engineering class.  And this is a daily activity for me . Firstly, I wake up at 5 a.m. and start preparing for the prayer.after that,I took a shower and prepare to go to college.the class usually ends in the afternoon and I came back to the house. after that, sometimes I do homework early so it's not urgent in the other addition, I sometimes go to my friend's house if i have free time.and finally, I sleep at 10 pm.

Tugas 1

   My Daily Activities. Usually I wake up at 05:30am and lets go to take a bath . After that i prepare go to the campus and dont forget to breakfast. In campus, me  and my friend lets studying about electrical engineering.    After the lesson no more, i'm back to the home for take a resh and playing game in my phone. In the night sometimes i doing my homework and have fun with my friend till the late night and after that we are sleeping. Abd Kadir Jaelani A.


MY ACTIVITIES For everyday : I actually wake up early at 05.15 am but sometimes i'm late and wake up at 05.40 am. and then i shower and drees up, oh and i didn't forget for praying to god. Insyaallah after that i'm eating a breakfast and then i'm go to campus. Everyday my father take me to the campus but often i go to campus with public transportation. When i at campus, I do the usual stuff like a student in general. Study,eat at canteen,and always go to library alone. After that, i'm back to home with public transportation Which I did after campus was eating first and after that I slept for a while.  After waking up, I then prayed ashar then afterwards helped my mother clean the house.  As soon as the work was done, I took an afternoon bath and rested.  The rest I'm talking about here is spending time watching television or playing mobile.  Before sunset, the parents told me to wait for the maghans prayed to pray Maghrib praying.  So after

Tugas 1

"My Daily Activity"    Hello, I'm Muhammad Alvian H, class 2c  d3 electrical engineering than I will tell you about my daily activity.    In the morning , I wake up at 5 O'clock and I go to bathroom for take a ritual abolution, and back to my bedroom for take a subuh prayer , after take a subuh prayer I smothed my bed than prepare my clothes for campus, when everything is set up, I take a bath , after that i wear my clothes and prepare to go to campus.    In campus, I follow the lesson as usual, I meet my friend and we joking laughter, learning together and hang out in the canteen.    After the lecture finished, I went back to my dorm to take a rest and in the afternoon, I exercise with lifting a barbell.    And ohh I'm sorry, I don't forget to take a dhuhur prayer and ashar prayer.    After my exercise, I'm take a bath and prepare to go mosque for take a magrib prayer, and tha read the qur'an as the nights, and after that, I learn for lesson tom


DAILY ACTIVITIES -In the morning,I usually wake up at 5.30 am -And then,I hurry up take ablution and shubuh prayer -I clean my room and take a bath -After that,I go to college by motorcycle -I study in the class.I study at college on Monday until Friday -At rest,I usually have lunch at my favorite stall with my friend,not far from the college -After lunch,I do dzuhur prayer,and then,I return to college -After the class is over,I go home and take a break -In the afternoon,around 5 o’clock,I sometimes jogging -After jogging,I take a bath and maghrib prayer -At night,I finish all task as soon as possible,so I can sleep early -I usually go to sleep at 11 pm,after isya prayer and brush my teeth IQRAM DWIPUTRA


MY DAILY ACITIVITIES -          I Usually wake up at 5 o’clock or 05.30 in the morning -          I wash my face and take ablution -          Then I do Subuh prayer and I do my bed -          After that I do some physical exercise for 5 minutes before I take a bath so I don’t feel sleepy -          I always have morning class,   so I have a bath immediately -          After that I wear my shirt and prepare to go Campus -          I go to Campus every Monday till Friday but I don’t go to Campus on Saturday and Sunday because those days are free class days -          I usually use my free days for sports and hangout -            I always sports like jogging or futsal and hangout with my best friends -          But when my class days , I go to campus usually at 06.30 A.M because sometimes I buy and eat breakfast at one food near stand near Campus -          I usually study in the class at 07.30 A.M until 11.55 A.M then I break -          When I break , I oft




My daily activities.  start from 4.30 I wake up to prepare my pray, then use my handphone to spend my spare time, sometimes I read my lesson books. after that, I prepare to go to the campuss. I usually come back in the afternoon. in the afternoon, I use my spare time to do sport or just enjoy my time from the busy schedule of college. in the evening, I just have fun with my friends or do some assignments. I go to bed at about 12 in the middle of the night. AZWIR ANAS


MY DAILY ACTIVITIES        I usually wake up at 05.30 in the morning. I wash my face and take ablution after that I do fajr prayer and then take a bath. after, take a bath I always clean my bedroom and breakfast before go to campus. Usually, I arrive on campus at 07.30 am. I go to campus every monday until friday from 07.30 am - 03.00 pm. Besides friday I stay on campus from 8 am til 10 am. I don’t go to Campus on Saturday and Sunday because those days are free class days. I always use my free days for watch a drama korea or read a novel on my phone and wash my clothes. At night I always do homework or study after do maghrib prayer. at 08.00 pm I do isha prayer after that i have a dinner. usually I sleep at 11.00 pm after toothbrush, washing my face and use my product skincare.  SRI WAHYUNI KASNAWI A